When we arrived at the Folk Village there were several different school groups of very cute little kids wearing interesting uniforms and carrying cute backpacks.
At the entrance to the village we were told to write a wish on a little slip of paper and tie it to the rock.
Inside the village there are traditional Korean homes featuring crafts, household furniturings, cooking techniques and farm implements. Growing above one pathway were these hanging green fruit. Maybe they're some type of melon?? We couldn't read the Korean signs.
A sudden downpour sent us scurrying for umbrellas and building overhangs.
Some clever MYAers sought shelter from the downpour in a covered porchlike structure - NO SHOES, please! The floor was raised above the ground about two feet.
After about 5 minutes the sun broke through the dark cloud and the only sign of rain were the puddles along the sandy pathways.
Tightrope walker performing amazing and funny stunts for us.
Traditional Korean dancers and musicians.
Some of us tried out our skills at arrow throwing. Emily was the champ!
The object is to bounce your opponent off the board into the puddle of mud.
Poor T.J. didn't pass his school exam. Maybe next time he'll study harder.
The best way to settle MYA disputes between chaperones and students.