Ahn Young Ha Sae Yo Mom, Dad, and Peter!

Arriving in Korea was such a radical change from China; the most obvious change of course was the weather. Monsoon season has been longer than expected so we have had occasional showers everyday. The cooler weather coupled with the return to Western style toilets have lifted everyone’s spirits! Seoul is a beautiful city with lush forests, seas, and mountains in addition to the stark contrast between traditional and modern architectural landscapes.
Our concert in Korea was thoroughly brilliant and the most moving experience I have ever had with any orchestra. The Seoul Arts Center was larger and had far superior sound quality than any venue I have seen or even dreamed of playing in. There were seats even behind the stage in a balcony, which was intimidating at first because our playing would be enjoyed or scrutinized from every angle.

We had a longer rehearsal than normal because we wanted to dissect and perfect each phrase. The dedication of Dr. Dennis, Mr. Pearson, and each orchestra member was tested and demonstrated during the performance because the Tchaikovsky sounded spectacular. We received applause after each movement and relished in the standing ovation and cheers after the final note rang through the audience. We spent so much time living the music during this trip that it was rewarding to see our hard work and calloused fingers recognized and appreciated.

We all owe so much to Dr. Dennis for teaching us how to embrace music for all of its possibilities and for giving us an accepting place for us to play our hearts out. This concert would not be possible without the benevolence of Ms. Mee Kim and her family, who has treated us with such generosity throughout our stay in Korea.
We are on the bus now driving towards lunch at an underground mall. The food here is delicious and spicy! After dinner yesterday we saw a show of traditional Korean folk dancing and singing! All of the performers had so much talent! I cannot wait to return home and share all of my pictures with you! See you in a few days!
Love, Kathy A.