Great Wall Weather Report: Cloudy, hazy, foggy, misty, gray and mystical

Dear Aunt Joanne…and everyone else who likes reading our blog,
Yesterday we visited one of mankind’s greatest anomalies, the Great Wall of China. Driving through the country on our way to the Wall, we should have seen some of the most beautiful scenery on the whole trip. However, all we saw was a blurry mass of green and gray outlines. The fog was so thick it was impossible to see the mountains on either side of the bus. As we neared the Wall we could vaguely see in the distance pagodas and watchtowers on the wall. We stopped for a quick photo op and began to climb. Unfortunately, the jazz players could not climb with us because they had to play a concert on the wall. As we climbed up more than 1,500 steps to the top (Kate I. counted them), the air became thinner and the thick gray clouds swirled around us. Soon, we could hear faint music in the background. The music floated up through the clouds and we recognized it as “Big Dipper”, one of our favorite jazz pieces we have heard so many times during our trip. It was amazing that, although so far away and unable to see through the haze and clouds, we could hear our friends playing somewhere below us on the Great Wall, the music we all love. Talk about phenomenal acoustics!

We climbed one of the towers and discovered we could hear the jazz band playing even more clearly, our very, very favorite jazz piece (because it brings back our great memories of our MYA trip to Spain two years ago) “Sing Sing Sing.” Immediately, we began to dance to the music.

When we had finished jammin’ we saw a few people from MYA and they said that we were close to the top. We high-fived our friends and decided to go for it.

When the end was in sight, we ran for it. Reaching the top of the wall was so exhilarating after sweating our way up the rugged 1,500 worn smooth, uneven steps. At the peak we were all panting and soaking wet. It was a little less humiliating to see a group of very cute Chinese teenage guys (cutes ones, too!) covered in perspiration and shirtless. We took the time to celebrate our victory with many pictures of the view (a.k.a the fog and clouds) and were stopped, as we were on the way up, to take pictures with various Chinese people who were fascinated by blonds and redheads.

Looking at our watches we realized it took us an hour and a half to reach the top and we had only 30 minutes to descend the slippery steep steps and be on our tour bus (in flip flops, of course!). No one wanted to be late and face Dr. D! As we began our way downward, we happily ran into our favorite jazz players scurrying up the wall, followed sort of close behind by Nic and lastly Doug, carrying a very heavy backpack. Why Doug?? We cheered them on upward and told them they had only one more tower to go, breathed a sigh of relief that we wouldn’t be the last ones on the bus, and made it down with time left over to buy Magnum ice cream bars. Dr. Dennis was so proud of the jazz performance that he didn’t even look at his watch when the last couple jazz players came running down the wall barely 10 minutes late. Our pictures cannot begin to tell our great Great Wall story.
Hannah A. & Elisabeth

climbing our way through the clouds to the top of the Wall.

Today the Big Band played another show, but this venue was quite unique. In fact, this venue is said to be the only man made object visible from space. Today we played jazz on the Great Wall of China. The band set up under a pagoda while the rest of the MYA clan began the arduous walk up the wall. We played another great set to an international crowd of appreciative listeners. When we finished we began our hike up the wall, and as we passed our MYA friends on their way down they assured us that you could hear the music all the way to the top of the wall. You’ll have to take our word for it when we tell you it was a serious trek, since our pictures will be little more than fog, but just think of how cool it is that we were the soundtrack for so many people’s climb today. Truly a life-long memory for us!

Resting on the wall in front of one of the 6 towers we passed to reached the top.

The first group to reach the top heading down!

The jazz players making their way up the wall after providing the rest of us climbers inspiration music as we ascending the Great Wall.

All our jazz players made it to the top of the wall! Wow! It felt good, but we don't have the photos, just our memories, to show the magic MYA experienced at the Great Wall.