We got to sleep in today due to jet lag, and since most of us fell asleep as soon as we hit the pillow, nobody could complain. After a breakfast consisting of noodles, dumplings, spring rolls, and bacon we piled onto the buses, learned some Chinese from our amazing tour guides and went to see the Urban Planning building in Shanghai. In the building there were huge models of the whole city of Shanghai (one took up the whole third floor), art exhibits and virtual cities (that made you dizzyJ). Lunch was on the go and some of us found out that Pizza Huts in Shanghai are actually better than America’s, not to mention pirate themed. Then it was off to a four-hour rehearsal. Long and tiring? Yes. However it felt really nice to play again after almost two days. We had a couple of hours to explore the city a little after that (with a parent or chaperone, of course). Some got ice cream and shopped around while others learned that policemen don’t like kids playing Frisbee on their grass. Then it was time for our first concert in China!! We play with fourteen local high schoolers. They joined us for our welcome songs and our march. The overall concert was amazing! We even had to play one of our encores twice.
Exiting the Shanghai Concert Hall after our first concert. We played to a sold out concert hall. People were waiting in line hoping seats would become available.

At Ten o’clock we went to a pretty late dinner consisting of rice, dumplings, some meat thing, some other meat things, this other really good thing, and of course, watermelon. Now with our stomachs full (?) and the thoughts of beds swimming in our minds, we are on the bus riding the roads of Shanghai. What will tomorrow bring? More rice and dumplings? Probably… Autumn
Breakfast, lunch and dinner dumplings

Beautiful flowers were presented to Dr. Dennis