Right now we are gathered at the gate in Seoul with four hours to kill. Groups of friends catch up after the twelve-hour flight and others participate in exciting if somewhat hushed card games; the 14-hour difference has caught up with everyone. How strange it is to recall everyone chatting in lively tones just 13 hours earlier on the plane, adrenaline rushing and hearts pounding. The flight itself was better than anticipated; the flight attendants were very friendly and charming with their broken English: “’Scusors!” (excuse me) and “You want om-road or pancake?” (omelette or pancakes). Much of the plane was silent for the first few hours with most people trying to sleep, but as time passed, friends gathered in the aisles to chat with each other, eager to stretch their legs after hours of sitting still. Surprisingly, the 13 hours passed quickly and now MYA members look forward to the beginning of their Asian experience. Theresa

We are passing the time in the airport by reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow, playing cards, slurping up Korean noodles and sleeping.