Destination Silk Road: MYA's 21 Day Concert Tour to China and Korea
Friday, July 27, 2007
MYA's Chinese Bazaar
After dinner we were hustled off to the Shangai Center to see an incredible Acrobatic Show. No photos were allowed, so you'll have to read our postings. At 10:30 P.M. staff from a local tailor store and a violin store met us at our hotel. The students were able to try out the hand-made Chinese cellos, violins and bows. Many of the men in our group were measured by the tailors to have custom-made suits and tuxedos made. The girls were able to try on beautiful silk dresses and jackets for size, as well. The tailors will deliver the clothing to us when we arrive in Hangzhou. We leave Shanghai at 8:30 this morning.